Wednesday, September 2, 2015

hurley came in and finished the most badass wall mural i've ever seen.  he finished friday night at like 1am.  the film crew came in at 8:30 the next morning.  he's an artistic genius.  totally mindblowing.

halliday and his crew showed up saturday morning and spent the day just getting shots of the garage and how it operates and general hijinx.  it was a stressful day for me.  i did not come off too well on camera.  after the crew left, a bunch of us hung around till probably 1 or 2am.  pete brown, davison, and debelak spent a considerable amount of time and energy talking me into being more energetic and let myself just enjoy it for sunday's shooting.  i took their words to heart.

i was mostly spent when i arrived late sunday morning.  i had to immediately perform.  i slammed a 5 hour, some coffee, a pain-killer for my aching back, and then threw about 4 shots of crown into another cup of coffee.  the rest of the day was a cake walk for me.  it was mostly filming the teams doing their fake builds for the pitch-tape.  i got to chill for most of the day till 8pm rolled around.

at 8, we started filming the grand reveal of the bikes and had a crowd of a bit less than 100 people.  i had to walk out to them all screaming, welcome them, and call out the bikes.  UB and john pflueger were the judges.  the film crew all said i killed it.  they were very happy with me compared to the day before.

monday, they did interviews with dani and i.  one together, and then we each went at alone.  i thought it'd be way quicker than it was.  it was a solid hour or two with both of us, and then another hour or two with just me.  but they loved it.

it took till this morning (wednesday) for me to fully recover and not be a zombie.  the weekend was nutzo, but successful, i think.

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